Creating a Vector Face in Illustrator

Monday, January 26, 2009 0 comments

Let’s take the mystery out of creating a vector face using Illustrator. Although there is no single way of doing it, I will guide you step-by-step from sketch to the finished illustration using the magnificent Pen Tool. No reference photos will be needed, just your vivid imagination and drawing skills combined with a basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. Try it Now>>
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Mastering Opacity Masks in Illustrator

Monday, January 19, 2009 0 comments

In Part 1 of Behind the Mask, we examined how to make masks in Adobe Illustrator. While masking presents a variety of uses, there is still one aspect I have not yet addressed. There's a little something called an opacity mask. Many designers may have never heard of it. Try it Now>>
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Mastering Clipping Masks in Illustrator

Thursday, January 15, 2009 0 comments

One of the more beautiful things about being a designer is the seemingly never-ending thirst for knowledge that permeates throughout the industry. I, for one, absolutely love learning new things that can help me creatively, or can help streamline the production process. However, there has been the odd time I've come across people who don't understand the finer workings of applications or, oddly enough, are afraid of them. In the name of progress, let's see if we can knock a major - and absolutely essential - function of Adobe Illustrator off the list of things to fear: Making a clipping mask. Try it Now>>
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