Develop A Personal Palette

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 0 comments

Artists and illustrators often talk about a “signature style.” It’s that look, that feel, that je ne sais quois that makes a person’s work instantly recognizable. We could spend all day analyzing styles and what makes them unique, but this articles’s focus is color. Specifically, creating a palette of color to call your own.

Color is very personal, and just as our “palette” for certain tastes is not quite the same as anybody else’s, we all see color differently. As you mature as an illustrator, you become more adept at mixing color and developing a palette all your own. Newbies tend to use “straight out of the tube” color. That is, the colors that come pre-loaded every time you start your drawing software.

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Vectors for the Web – Part 1

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 0 comments

Did you know that you can use iStock vector illustrations for Web graphics? “Well sure,” you say, “every vector comes with a hi-res raster file, and I just open that in Photoshop, resize it, and slap it on my Web page.” But using the actual vector may give you even more options and better results. In this first of two articles, we’ll show you why. And how.
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